Need Support?
If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, you probably have many questions and concerns. The Bahrain Cancer Society is here to help. We offer support and information for people living with cancer, their caregivers, family and friends.
We’re committed to responding to your needs, whether you’re living with cancer yourself or your life has been touched in some other way by this disease. We offer a wide range of support services
available to cancer patients, their families, the general public and healthcare professionals.
Support Services
Help for You
We support people with cancer, their family and friends. A range of services are provided by the Bahrain Cancer Society.
Cancer Information is Available
We provide a telephone support and Cancer Information Helpline 00973 17233080 staffed by nurses, booklets, pamphlets, DVDs and help links to credible internet sites.
Support for You and Others
You can talk with trained nurses, counsellors, psychologists or a person who has had a similar experience to you. There is a range of support groups, programmes, workshops, seminars and online forum available.
During Treatment Assistance is Available
We offer help with transport, accommodation during treatment and limited financial assistance.
For further information on the support services offered by the Bahrain Cancer Society, contact us at 00973 17233080 or by email to [email protected] .